Exhibition “Japanese engravings from Alexander Bourganov collection”

The art of printmaking was born in XVII century in Japan and it was closely related with city culture. The engravings of a so-called style “Ukiyo-e” appeared as theatre playbills, attracting the spectator to a new staging. They depicted both separate scenes of the theatre plays, and the actors. Artistic traditions handed down from generation to generation, and thus professional dynasties formed.
From collecting the works by representatives of one of these dynasties – Utagawa dynasty – began Alexander Burganov’s collection of Japanese prints. In subsequent years, the collection was filled with works by other artists; among them Utamaro works occupy a special place, whom the collector considers as one of the most outstanding artists. Most of the prints was purchased in Paris, in galleries, at auctions, “flea” markets.
In one of the editions, telling about the history of his interest in Japanese prints, Alexander Bourganov wrote: “I could not resist the joy of a personal relationship with fine examples of Japanese prints. There is no completeness and sequence in my collection, but each sheet has its own story and endows with the enthusiasm, which I want to share with you”.
The exhibition is open from 4 July to 31 August.

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