The legend of the magic power of touch

The first sculptor was God, who created a clay sculpture of Adam in the image and likeness of his own. The inventor revived the statue, touching its chest.
Legends about the revival of sculptures exist from ancient Greece. Everyone remembers the myth of Pygmalion. N.V. Gogol in his “Portrait” says about this same magical power of art.
This myth was used by Alexander Burganov in the work “The Boy”. Having created a sculpture in soft clay, the sculptor left the imprint of his hand on the boy’s chest as a sign of the divine power of art, the birth of Soul.
The artist often talks about this sign on his sculpture, and many people want to touch the sculpture to get some of the magical power of art.
This touch became a kind of ritual when visiting the “Burganov House” Museum.
Among the visitors of the museum there is even a legend that if you put your hand to the print, it will not only allow you to feel the magical power of art, but it will also protect a man from the blows of fate and bring good luck in all endeavors.
True or not, everyone should know for himself!

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