S.T. Konenkov & A.N. Burganov. The dialogue between artists

We can see representatives of two generations of Russian sculptors, whose work clearly demonstrates the best achievements of Russian art school. In its basis – unshakable foundation of classical art, on which are based entirely organically bold interpretation of forms and metaphors of image structure, the ability to operate with concepts of plastics composition and architectonic of their relations. Each artist presents his own unique personal style, but both they clearly demonstrate the predominance of creation on the impression.
A.N. Burganov, who personally knew Sergei T. Konenkov, tells of his meetings with the already old master: “He had a shrill small close-set eyes looking at the same time on you and somewhere past, long “unfashionable” to others hair, making him look like a God…”.
Among other works presented on the exhibition an undoubted interest reveal works made by Konenkov himself “Christ”; “Johann the Baptist”; “Spring”.
The exhibition is open from 1 October to 31 December 2016.

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